National Three Peaks Challenge Code of Practice

The Institute of Fundraising's Outdoor Events Code of Practice includes some specific guidelines on the Three Peaks Challenge. The Code of Practice sets out guidelines to ensure that the potential negative effects of the Three Peaks Challenge are minimised.

Specific National Three Peaks Challenge Guidelines

  • Limit the number of walkers to no more than 200 per event
  • Avoid the peak holiday times e.g. bank holidays, summer solstice. Events should not cause overcrowding on the mountains and the respective valleys’ infrastructure
  • Be aware toilet provisions are very limited; plan accordingly when obtaining local permissions
  • Strongly discourage racing between teams on and between mountains
  • Agree designated rest stops and driving times beforehand that respect speed limits, road safety and other road users
  • Include a policy to remove the time pressure element categorically excluding the driving time between mountains as part of the challenge by allocating a minimum driving time of 10 hours for all participants which is added to the walking time, regardless of the actual duration of the drive
  • Provide information to participants on the environmental and land management sensitivities of the areas they will be visiting and give participants guidance on how to mitigate their impact as far as is possible
  • Individual mountain and site specific codes of conduct should be followed.
  • To minimise disturbance and adverse impact, organisers ought to consider the timing of the event for the least disturbance
  • In settlement areas, arrival or departure ought not to be between the hours of 2300 and 0600
  • Coaches block narrow roads so should not be used
  • Local facilities are inadequate for large events. Organisers ought to identify and use motorway services and other facilities en route especially to top-up water supplies and use the toilets
  • If using Pen-y-Pass (Snowdon), parking is usually difficult and waiting not possible so disembark only. Use local bus services when you can

Guidance and Support

For guidance on following the code of practice, assistance with organisation and event support, please contact Three Peaks Challenge Limited.

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Copyright © 2025 Three Peaks Challenge Ltd. Page last updated at 20:27, on the 29th March 2021.

Three Peaks Challenge Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 06993751. Our VAT registration is GB998704845.
The Three Peaks Challenge Logo is a registered trademark of Three Peaks Challenge Ltd.