Sailing the Three Peaks Challenge

All three peaks are relatively accessible from the sea, making sailing a fantastic way to travel between them.

As a rather move adventurous alternative to the National Three Peaks Challenge, and seen as a purer and more environmentally friendly version, the Three Peaks Yacht Race involves sailing from Fort William, to Whitehaven, and finishing at Barmouth - or the other way around.

This version of the Challenge in available in various forms, depending on whether you would prefer to take part in a large organised race, or organise your own.

The Three Peaks Yacht Race

The Three Peaks Yacht Race is the yearly, organised and regulated version - this also involves set team sizes of three sailors and two runners. Eighteen miles of cycling and seventy-two miles of running are required, as well as 389 miles of difficult costal sailing, making this rather more strenuous than the typical National Three Peaks Challenge attempt. To take part you must register in time, bearing in mind that there is a maximum of twenty-five entries so you will need to be quick.

Been involved?

If you've been involved in an alternative version of the Three Peaks Challenge, whether running, cycling or otherwise, we'd love to hear from you.

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Three Peaks Challenge Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 06993751. Our VAT registration is GB998704845.
The Three Peaks Challenge Logo is a registered trademark of Three Peaks Challenge Ltd.